Rail Bridges

by DaveMcW

Adds rail bridges that can cross tracks without signals.

4 years ago

g Diagonal rail base entity

4 years ago

I added diagonal rails.

It was tough to find an entity to base them on. My requirements were:
1. Must support direction
2. Must support render_layer

I am using assembling-machine for now, but I would be happy to change that if someone finds a better solution. Everything seems to have side effects.

Things I have tried with their side effects:

- Assembling machine stats in tooltip.
- Fluid arrows on mouseover and in blueprints.

- Turret stats in tooltip.
- High priortiy biter target.

- collision_box can't be used to detect collisions while building it.

I could drop the render_layer requirement if I do a bunch of control.lua scripting to transform entities as they are built. I may end up doing that.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

If the fluid arrows on assemblers bother you set off_when_no_fluid_recipe = true.

Furnaces might be an alternative to hide the no recipe line. I think they also inherit render_layer.

4 years ago

Fluid arrows are required, I am using fluid_box pipe_picture to get my render_layer.

4 years ago

So off_when_no_fluid_recipe = true removes the entire fluid box not only pipe connectors and arrows?
Good to know.

4 years ago

What do you need direction for? If it is only to show different graphics, https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype/SimpleEntityWithForce or https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype/SimpleEntity should do the trick. Note that simple entities interact weirdly with rotation, they can't really be rotated properly, it is advised to turn that off with the prototype flag.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Every diagonal bridge has a north/south configuration and an east/west configuration. They rotate perfectly in blueprints, but only if the entity supports direction.

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