I just learned about this mod, and it is fairly close to what I really want (the ability to save/load quickbars to a persistent storage).
My only problem is that I would really like to be able to save/load a single quickbar at a time and preferably without it being fixed to a specific number.
The reason for that is that when using a lot of mods there are often parts that would use 1-2 quickbars worth of items, being ridiculously useful when you need to use those (especially when blueprints are not always adapted to the situation at hand) but there are other times when there is no need for them.
The "ideal" solution would be to load those "single quickbar" blueprints into the current "active" quickbar (the one that switches when you change quickbars with the keyboard shortcuts).
I am aware that it is fairly niche but I figured it should be better to ask and be answered no than not asking at all.