Quickbar blueprint

by Dimava

Convert quickbar filters to blueprint and back. Store them in library, share them, do whatever you want - they are ordinary blueprints. *No UI will disturb you until you want to save or load quickbar build - take an empty BP to make UI appear*

6 years ago
6 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.3 (6 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
17 users

Convert quickbar filters to blueprint and back. Store them in library, share them, do whatever you want - they are ordinary blueprints.

No UI will disturb you until you want to save or load quickbar build - take an empty BP to make UI appear

When you take an empty blueprint, "Q" button appears on top. Click it to convert current quickbar build to blueprint. The result is common blueprint - so it can be easily put to BP library and has no problems with whatever mods you use.

When you take a blueprint with proper format* "Q" button appears on top**. Click it to load quickbar build from this blueprint.

*i.e. rows of combinators, starting with number, with spaces before 1st and 6th items, some rows may be missing
** it will appear after you close BP lib window, when you take BP from there

Library-linked blueprints/books are not yet supported - they are invisible from inside the game, slots just seem empty.

Note: blueprint-like items are not linked properly: with type instead of instance. Maybe will fix that later if it's fixable.
Empty combinator represents empty slot and will erase its contents when applied.

If you want any changes/fixes, start a thread in the disscussion tab above.