Quality Rebalance deprecated

Rebalances quality into a more useful and interesting mechanic. Quality ALL THE THINGS! All features can be toggled. DISCLAIMER: This mod will not function until the release of Space Age.

2 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

i Cargobays

2 months ago

Hello, as per this video & timestamp https://youtu.be/ulhmBs-c-v4?t=7612 , mangledpork talks about how there's a throughput limitation on cargobays which necessitates him creating more. I'm not sure if this can be improved with a quality feature for cargobays. Also, there's a concern from me regarding massive inventory spaces due to inserters scanning the entire inventory for something to pick up... So needing that many cargobays in the lategame that would then also have a ton of inventory slots could cause UPS issues... Just thinking from a megabase/UPS perspective.

2 months ago

Yes indeed I have also experienced this issue.
Currently the legendary cargo bay is indeed effected by quality, however a bigger inventory just makes the UPS issue worse.

I'm not sure what change to the mod would fix this issue, could you suggest a concrete solution?

2 months ago

The issue seems to be as per what mangledpork says: cargobays can only accept a limited amount of items at a time from a space platform causing throughput limitations. There may be some ways to improve this depending on how moddable these are:

  1. Animation speed of cargo transferring from space entering the cargobays on a planet.
  2. Allowing a cargobay to accept more "sends" depending on their quality
  3. Make spaceplatforms unable to send things down when cargobays on the spaceplatform itself are of higher quality until there are at least n + (x * quality) of that item available to send, so that one send contains more items. ("Stack sending" ?)

For #3 in particular, mangledpork mentions specifically that a spaceplatform might send down things as soon as it can if the demand is there (most common usecase is probably space science) which may cause "flooding" cargobays with individual sends.

I understand that this could probably be mitigated in multiple ways already such as a beltreader telling an inserter not to pick up space science from a belt until there are X science on the belt, causing one swing to pick up all the science and put in at once. Or with other methods... But of course I cannot experiment myself until I buy it next week.

Solution #1 and #2 would probably be cool quality-like features if possible with the modding api even if possible to work around the limitations though.

2 months ago

I have just published a new mod that solves this issue in a different way. Please let me know what you think https://mods.factorio.com/mod/biolabs-in-space

2 months ago

I checked it out, that seems to be a solution to the problem. I am still unsure of certain elements that SA will provide due to me not having access to it yet, so there are some concerns that may be unfounded due to those limitations, and if so, consider the point void:

  1. Space platforms can send to planets, planets can send to space platforms.
  2. Space platforms cannot send to space platforms.

Wouldn't you end up with a situation where all the platforms send all their science (or science ingredients) to a planet, that the planet then has to send to the "biolabs in space" space platform? Don't you just end up with an extra step that way, aside from the flexibility of having biolabs on something other than Nauvis? Again, my thoughts aren't based on facts and accuracy so maybe I'm overlooking a method that allows you to skip a step somewhere in here, so that indeed biolabs in space would be beneficial other than just "don't need it on Nauvis".

2 months ago

The idea is you could spam such science platforms. On our map we have 18.

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