Thank you so much for the update!
This implementation works great for me!
However, for ease of use, maybe ability to choose quality in the menu itself will be better? Like a button right next to "check all" checkbox.
Thank you!
I've further enhanced the way you can work with Quality, now you can right click on an item in the menu, and cycle through, it'll update what you selected so far. Right now, you can only set the quality of the whole menu's selection at once, though, you can't set individual item qualities. Maybe in the future, but that requires a bit of a rewrite on how items are added (so without checkboxes). I think a dropdown or button wouldn't work as neatly. Please try it out and let me know if that works better for you.
You can still set the quality in the settings, this will then be the default, and then you can override it whenever you want later on.