I have always wanted a vegan mod to pyanodon's, but alien life just had to be the next mod to be added and i didn't get a chance to try this mod out :(
Sad thing is that alien life seems like large mod as well, big investment and probably very hard to veganize, i just reinstalled factorio and considering starting anew factory in factorio 1.0, or if im gonna continue my old. If i skip alien life i can probably continue my old 0.17.17 factory, but if i install alien life, i get to enjoy a fresh new experience of all the changes since then with a new factory.
Not sure what to do, i wish people cared about plant options to using animals, i don't see why it isn't included as an option by default tbh, it just makes things more interesting?
The good vs evil considerations, a morality/karma bar or something?
The more animals you abuse the more the biters evolve or something? xD