Py Land Block

by razahin

Land based version of PyBlock (Seablock for PyMods) for compatibility with map generator mods, and biters. No ore patches, big rocks from PyRawOres have a small chance of spawning. Based on the PyBlock mod by KingArthur

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1


Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2021-1-24
    - Now depends on PyBlock 0.2.2 or greater by KingArthur, removed duplicated code
    - Removed steam power requirement from seaweed farm mk0
Version: 0.1.12
Date: 2020-11-15
    - Enemy bases no longer spawn when turned off. 
    - Updated to support new Bitumen Seep added in recent PySuite updates
    - Removed spawning of oil patches
    - Removed spawning of tar patches
Version: 0.1.11
Date: 2020-09-13
    - Update for parity with PyBlock v0.1.5
    - Massively rebalanced uranium chain as it needed far to many resources and entities at the needed scale for Py
    - Added productivity to most uranium ore from seawater chain
Version: 0.1.10
Date: 2020-09-12
    - Fixed crash when PyCoalProcessing ore generation setting was set to true
    - Hide PyCoalProcessing ore generation setting since it doesn't do anything when this mod is 
Version: 0.1.9
Date: 2020-09-07
  Game Start QoL:
    - Added quenching tower in wreckage to make bootstrapping more straight forward
Version: 0.1.8
Date: 2020-09-07
    - Balancing pass on fuel required for Mk00 Seaweed farm, reduced by 1/3
    - Fixed wrought iron plate icon
Version: 0.1.7
Date: 2020-09-05
    - Update for parity with PyBlock 0.1.4. Uranium from seawater requires less buildings.
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 2020-09-04
    - Fix broken icon reference when released
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2020-09-04
    - Update for parity with recent PyBlock release, adds uranium from seawater
    - Mk00 Seaweed Farms now require steam as a fuel, updated raw coal from seaweed to compensate
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 2020-08-30
    - Bug fix: Changes in 1.3 removed starting sinkhole and gas vent making start too difficult,
      added wreckage containing these parts
    - Multiplayer: Remove extraneous starting items when new players spawn in
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2020-08-29
    - Bug fix: Modify game start wreckage spawn to be on game init instead of per player spawn.
      For multiplayer support.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2020-08-29
    - Gate nickel ore from clay behind sulfur processing due to its requirement on sulfuric acid
    - Gate rare earth ore related fluid recipes behind rare earth technology
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2020-08-28
    - Bug fix initial load from name change
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020-08-28
    - Initial version, based on PyBlock.
    - Remove map generation overwrite.
    - Remove all resource autospawning, create PyRawOres rocks with modified RSO
    - Quick Start - Starting personal bots and equipment. Automation, Logistics, and Steel
      Processing technologies unlocked at the start. The game is about automation, the
      player shouldn't have to slog for 10 hours to do the basics.