It is a mining „recipe“ what you see. But I am talking about the crafting recipe.
If i execute this in data-final-fixes.lua:
log("recipe 'niobium-ore' - : " .. tostring(serpent.block(data.raw.recipe['niobium-ore'])))
^ then results in log are:
recipe 'niobium-ore' - : {
category = "niobium",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 7,
ingredients = {
amount = 1,
name = "drill-head",
type = "item"
amount = 70,
name = "refsyngas",
type = "fluid"
name = "niobium-ore",
results = {
amount = 12,
name = "niobium-ore",
type = "item"
type = "recipe"
This is how this recipe looks like. Where do you see that it is "mining recipe"? (And what it means that recipe is "mining recipe"? Can you point something in docs about it? )
There is only one recipe of id/name 'niobium-ore'. If you see any other then can you write similar log command so i can execute it and examine results?