Pyanodons Coal Processing

Extends and overhauls Factorio's burner phase. Use realistic oil and coal processes to create advanced products. Functions as the core and library for the rest of the pY mods.

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

i no worker for category "niobium"

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

There is a recipe called "niobium-ore". The crafting category is "niobium" but there is no worker assigned to that category. So it is actually useless.
Same for crafting category "borax".

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

There is entity named "niobium-mine" - see:
You can find it using following ways:

  • add this mod to your game: . Then in it search for niobium ore and click "Craft" button. One of the recipes should display info that it is made in "Niobium mine".

  • use key combination "Open prototypes GUI" (in my case: Ctrl+Shift+e) and search for "niobium". In "entity" tab you should see "Niobium mine" of type "mining-drill" (as on screenshot above)

You should find similar info also for "borax" (or "raw borax"?).

2 years ago

I am not talking about resource-category.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

@ixu me too :) Please look at the screenshot - i marked with red the resource categories of niobium mine. This means that niobium mine can mine things from category "niobium".

It is machine of type "mining-drill" .

2 years ago

But what is the recipe ("niobium-ore") good for then?

2 years ago

You need it to produce "niobium plate" - but before that you need to process it in several ways.

Look here: - is my plan of processing it - you can see it in second row from bottom. Then it needs additional 6 stages until it outputs "niobium plate" at top.

To display such plan you can use Helmod mod. I recommend it especially for games with Pyanodon mods because otherwise is hard to plan production chains for your base :)

2 years ago

Thank you for you help.
I just wanted to inform the developer that there is probably an issue with those two orphan recipes.

2 years ago

They are not orphan (as proven by my posts above).

One possibility i see is that you have some other mods which messed something up? Can you send your save so i can take a look?

2 years ago

(I thought you'd never ask) Yes I can, but probably not before Saturday. Meanwhile you can try ingteb-mod, press H and look at the logfile. Search for niobium-ore.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Ok added your "ingteb" mod and checked the situation. Screenshot:

  • It seems that the message in log is "false negative": "WARNING: "Niobium ore" (LuaRecipePrototype.niobium-ore) has no worker (entity-prototype) that can process it." . In other words: it falsely detects this as problem.
  • In screenshot you can see that in ingteb GUI that recipe is shown (in category "fluid-mining.niobium"), and also "Niobium mine" is indeed mining it (as you can see working mine on screenshot).
  • also if you move mouse cursor over niobium ore resource patch and press "H" then you will see this recipe shown in your GUI,

Here is save if you want to try:

I also wrote in Helmod mod page about this bug ( ) because it happens also in there now - strange because few months ago such bug wasnt present. Probably there were some changes in Pyanodon mods in meantime.

One more thing to note: FNEI mod is correctly showing those recipes.

2 years ago
  • In screenshot you can see that in ingteb GUI that recipe is shown (in category "fluid-mining.niobium"), and also "Niobium mine" is indeed mining it (as you can see working mine on screenshot).

It is a mining „recipe“ what you see. But I am talking about the crafting recipe.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

It is a mining „recipe“ what you see. But I am talking about the crafting recipe.

If i execute this in data-final-fixes.lua:

log("recipe 'niobium-ore' - : " .. tostring(serpent.block(data.raw.recipe['niobium-ore'])))

^ then results in log are:

recipe 'niobium-ore' - : {
category = "niobium",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 7,
ingredients = {
amount = 1,
name = "drill-head",
type = "item"
amount = 70,
name = "refsyngas",
type = "fluid"
name = "niobium-ore",
results = {
amount = 12,
name = "niobium-ore",
type = "item"
type = "recipe"

This is how this recipe looks like. Where do you see that it is "mining recipe"? (And what it means that recipe is "mining recipe"? Can you point something in docs about it? )

There is only one recipe of id/name 'niobium-ore'. If you see any other then can you write similar log command so i can execute it and examine results?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

“Mining recipe” is an internal construct of Ingeb mod to make things easier. It is very close to Factorio recipe as it has ingredients and products. It is created for each resource. As category the resource-category is used. Miners also provide a category which selects the resources they can handle.
For recipes the category is the crafting-category. But in our case there is no machine with crafting category “niobium”. Therefore I think recipe niobium-ore is orphan.

2 years ago

"Therefore I think recipe niobium-ore is orphan." - is not orphan because is being correctly used by Niobium Mine as you saw on screenshot and you can check by yourself (go into game and build said mine, or load save which i uploaded here).

I think you need to redefine what is "orphan" recipe in your mod so it supports situation like this.

2 years ago

You can probably remove it and try if everything still works. I cannot do this til Friday night but I will definitely try it

2 years ago

hi @ixu

You were right - those are strange orphan recipes as confirmed here:

Sorry for confusion :)