Pyanodons Coal Processing

Extends and overhauls Factorio's burner phase. Use realistic oil and coal processes to create advanced products. Functions as the core and library for the rest of the pY mods.

3 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g Weird stuff while running the full suite.

4 years ago

First of all, I didn't find any dedicated place for discussing weird interactions while running the entire suite, so I'll post it here.

So, currently found a couple weird interactions playing full suite + QoL.
Water electrolysis => Hydrogen => Oil burner => Steam power is somehow energy positive (no modules).
This breaks thermodynamics if I'm understanding correctly.
10 Coal + 20 Coarse Fraction => 60 Tar recipe is useless.
You unlock this recipe at Basic electronics (green sci), all the while having 10 Coal => 0.3 Iron Oxide + 6 Coke + 40 Coal gas + 50 Tar from the very beginning of the game.
At Coal processing 1 (red Sci) you unlock syngas from coal gas, turning the overall chain into:
10 Coal => 0.3 Iron Oxide + 6 Coke + 0.8 ash + 80 syngas + 74 tar.
So at green sci you unlock recipe to add coarse fraction to get.. less tar.
Wood to coal recipe is useless.
At Coal Processing 2 (green sci) you unlock 2 Wood => 1 Coal recipe.
But already at the very begining you have the 10 Wood => 0.3 Iron Oxide + 10 Coal + 10 Coal gas + 30 Tar
Same situation as above - more advanced recipe is less efficient.
This isn't tested (haven't reachet this stage of the game) but from FNEI multiple high-end animal breeding recipes are cage positive.
IE, from 1 cage + food etc. you can get 2 caged animals => 2 cages and 2 fully rendered corpses.
Vrauk example:
3 Water barrel + 1 cage + 1 bedding + 5 Sap + 1 Antivirals r + 1 Quality Vrauk food + 5 Fawogae MK1 + 5 Moss => 1-2 Caged Vrauk.
Unlocked at Antiviral Drugs.

4 years ago

Just found out.
Lubricant technology (green sci) gives you acces to rubber-based recipes for inserters.
I believe the 15x long-handed inserter and the 15x fast inserter are mixed up, and should be swapped.
Currently the "default" no-rubber recipe for fast inserters uses duralumin, while the "rubber" one.. suddenly doesn't?
The inverse is true for long-handed inserters: "default" doesn't need duralumin, "rubber" one suddenly requires it.