Pyanodons Coal Processing

Extends and overhauls Factorio's burner phase. Use realistic oil and coal processes to create advanced products. Functions as the core and library for the rest of the pY mods.

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g Convert Syngas to 600C Combustion Mixture gives 60C steam

6 years ago

I am converting Syngas to 600C Combustion Mixture. The products are Combustion Mixture with a temperature of 600C and "steam" at only 60C. Seems like that's a typo and the steam should also be 600C? My turbines won't accept steam that cold, so I just have to vent it away.

6 years ago

I am converting Syngas to 600C Combustion Mixture. The products are Combustion Mixture with a temperature of 600C and "steam" at only 60C. Seems like that's a typo and the steam should also be 600C? My turbines won't accept steam that cold, so I just have to vent it away.

No, it´s right. use these steam to convert back to water using a cooling tower for a closed loop, or upgrade it to 500C using the heat exchanger.

6 years ago

Oh, I see. So it is meant to be a waste product until you get tech to properly deal with it. It initially seemed weird to call it steam if it was just hot water, but I suppose the game would allow 60C water to be used interchangeably with normal water. So making it steam forces us to deal with it in some way.
Really enjoying your mods, by the way!

6 years ago

You can use the cycle already. Put the steam on a cooling tower and it will return water to the powerhouse.

5 years ago

But why do you need to use the cooling tower when you can just use the Py-GasVent, which uses less energy and produces 0 pollution?

5 years ago

But why do you need to use the cooling tower when you can just use the Py-GasVent, which uses less energy and produces 0 pollution?

Not for so long.