Pyanodons Coal Processing

Extends and overhauls Factorio's burner phase. Use realistic oil and coal processes to create advanced products. Functions as the core and library for the rest of the pY mods.

19 days ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g Beautiful Mod! I have 1 question...

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I'm running Pyanodon's - pycoalprocessing v_0.4.0 mod - One question?

Why did you decide to remove some of the entities, prototype/buildings from version 0.4.0 going to 0.5.xx as for example the storage-tanks?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The gfx of the storage-tanks were awesome and I liked them so much... But, I was disappointed that there was no way to read how much fluid was inside them.

So... I decided to add circuit network connections to each of the tanks. It was quite a bit of work, lots of trial & error to get it looking good and working right.

Liquid storage-tank images: (wires lined up near as perfect as I could get)

Py-1500 tanks w/ wires->

Py-4000 tanks w/ wires->

Py-5000 tanks w/ wires->

Py-6500 tanks w/ wires->

Py-8000 tanks w/ wires->

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Modified circuit-connector-main.png

The circuit-connector "node" shadow came from Factorio' "base mod" gfx files named circuit-connector-main.png & circuit-connector-shadow.png that I "re-touched" adding the shadow to the original png.

I modified Factorio' circuit-connector-main.png and re-inserted it back into the Factorio "base mod" circuit-connector gfx folder to include the shadow. Maybe, it would be possible to add the "modified" png to the mods .zip and some code to "point" to the custom png. I would have done it this way but, as I didn't know where/how to add the "node" shadow to your mod code I didn't do it that way.

I don't know it's probably not the best way to go about it... I believe HD circuit network "shadows" are getting re-worked and updates coming sometime soon from Factorio' developers so this could change everything.

Well anyways, I'm enjoying your mod very much... Thank you for all the hard work you have done!