Py Mixed Liquid Fuel (add-on)

Adds back combustion mixture to the Py Suite as a mixed liquid fuel

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Power

g [COMPLETED] Remove the canisters please.

a month ago

Everything that formerly used canistered fuel in py (salt, antimony, etc) now uses directly piped fuel. It'd be nice if the fuel could be directly burned in the powerhouse, which would enable sushi-fluid fuel input better than a large collection of barreling machines to fill canisters.

a month ago

I have not being playing in a bit. So I wasn't aware of those changes. So what ARE canisters now used for?
I will have a look and might change it, yeah

a month ago

They are only used for fuel for T2 trains or cars. You theoretically can use them as solid fuel for other things, but it's not an optimal choice.

26 days ago

I just uploaded a new version with this change. Sorry it took so long

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