Py Mixed Liquid Fuel (add-on)

Adds back combustion mixture to the Py Suite as a mixed liquid fuel

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Power

g [FIXED] Start-Up crash since latest PY Update

1 year, 3 months ago

since the latest Update your mod doesnt work anymore since the "power-house" objects get completly removed from data.raw in the datastage.

I fixed the code for my game.

If you want, I can sent you the new code and you can update your mod.

1 year, 3 months ago

Thanks for letting me know. I will fix it. If you want you can send me, but in the mean time I figure it out myself.

1 year, 3 months ago


local table = require('stdlib/stdlib/utils/table')

type = "recipe",
name = "liquid-fuel",
enabled = true,
energy_required = 1,
ingredients = { { type = 'fluid', name = 'oxygen', amount = 4 } },
category = "combustion",
results = { { type = 'fluid', name = 'combustion-mixture1', amount = 40 } }

type = "unlock-recipe",
recipe = "power-house"

data.raw.fluid["combustion-mixture1"].fuel_value = "0.5MJ"
data.raw.fluid["combustion-mixture1"].auto_barrel = true

--Copy All Data
powerhouserecipe = data.raw["recipe"]["power-house"]
powerhouserecipe.hide_from_player_crafting = false

powerhouseitem = data.raw["item"]["power-house"]

powerhouseentity = data.raw["assembling-machine"]["power-house"]
powerhouseentity.next_upgrade = nil
powerhouseentity.source_inventory_size = 1
powerhouseentity.result_inventory_size = 1
powerhouseentity.energy_source.fuel_category = "jerry"
powerhouseentity.energy_source.fuel_categories = nil
powerhouseentity.fixed_recipe = "liquid-fuel"
powerhouseentity.energy_usage = "20MW"
powerhouseentity.allowed_effects = { "pollution" }


powerhouserecipe.hidden = false
data:extend({ powerhouserecipe, powerhouseitem, powerhouseentity })

Maybe it helps. :D

1 year, 3 months ago

Yeah I was almost done. I did it a bit differently. Most importantly the recipe changed too. So I will make sure the recipe will stay the same and keep the intermetallics.

1 year, 3 months ago

Btw you changed the combustion mixture amount too :D
Not a fan of the 80% efficiency?

1 year, 3 months ago

Anyway, update is out. Let me know if it works

1 year, 3 months ago

I was constantly running low on fuel
loosing 20% is big especially since you have to supply energy and Oxygen aswell.

Works like a charm. Thank you very much!

New response