
by Xcone

P.U.M.P. (Prevent Unwanted Manual Pump-placement) adds a selection-tool with which you can select oil wells, and then plans the layout of pumpjacks and pipes for you.

24 days ago
0.18 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Blueprints

i Auto place beacons

14 days ago

Would be really nice to have the option to drop beacons along with the pumps. Been using this mod for a long time, happy to see it supporting Space Age!

13 days ago


No promises, but I might look into that. It's been requested enough times by now xD.
I never use beacons on my pumps, though. Can you elaborate what kind of tactic/rationale is involved when you place them manually?

Like obviously you want a beacon to cover as many pumps as possible. But do you also cover a pump with multiple beacons? Do you cram in as many beacons as possible? Do you skip a beacon if it can cover only 1 pump?

Do you use it for speed or efficiency? And do you also use a mod like Module Inserter to auto-fill the beacons with modules? Or would you rather just have the beacons placed but do the modules in there still manually?
Not sure if it still applies, but I heard in 1.0 people would swap productivity with speed in the pumps themselves; when the oil well was almost drained. Is that still a thing? And does a switcharoo like that happen with beacon modules, too? And if so, do you expect P.U.M.P. to assist with that, too?

If you have a link to a reddit, forum or youtube post going into some (but not excruciating) details why and how beacons with pumps are a good thing, that's also very welcome info.

It's questions like these that kept me away from the topic for so long. If I have satisfying answers to them; I think I might give it a go. :-)

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