
by Xcone

P.U.M.P. (Prevent Unwanted Manual Pump-placement) adds a selection-tool with which you can select oil wells, and then plans the layout of pumpjacks and pipes for you.

2 months ago
0.18 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Blueprints

b Failure when pumpjack impossible to use

1 year, 3 months ago

I tried out P.U.M.P for the first time the other day and it didn't work, with an error message about clearing rocks etc. I had already done that (and checked several times with bots that the area was completely clear) and still got the error message. When I manually placed the pumps and piped them up, I realised that one pumpjack was impossible to use given the output placement in all orientations, so I assume P.U.M.P failed because it couldn't place the pipe.

Here are some screenshots of the pumpjack layout with the problematic pumpjack shown: https://imgur.com/a/AQcSMes
Here's the mod JSON output, though I'm pretty sure this isn't necessary: https://pastebin.com/A9AUTfUE

Figured I'd raise this as a bug in case it could be fixed, but no biggie if it can't.

FYI - I'm running RSO, not sure if that has any bearing on the placement of the wells.

1 year, 3 months ago

Interesting! I assumed the well-layout would never generate with an impossible-to-use well. So I never took the trouble to add proper handling for that.

I guess I was wrong. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I doubt I can make it work a 100%, but I think I should be able to detect the scenario and give a proper message as to not mislead the player. And if I can do that, it should be fairly easy to exclude that well from the list of wells to place a pump on.

Would you mind sharing that save file with me with the problematic layout? That'd make my debugging/testing work so much easier. :-)

1 year, 3 months ago

Thanks for the prompt response!

Yeah, I assumed that about well layout as well (heh!), hence mentioning that I was using RSO in case that changes the placement.

Anyway, here's the save file:

You should load in right next to the problematic oil field, but if not you'll find it at Coal #3 (use the yellow PAX train, "#PAX - Coal #3" stop). There's also another oil field a stone's throw to the SE of that outpost that P.U.M.P also fails on, though that doesn't appear to have a layout that renders a pumpjack unusable (the rocks aren't cleared in the save file, but I did try after they were cleared).

1 year, 3 months ago

Thanks! Problematic oil field found, and the other nearby one as well. Save files are the best!

So it would appear there's 2 issues at play, as you already foreshadowed by noticing the other field has no enclosed oil well but still had a problem.

The 2nd issue is a limitation P.U.M.P. currently has. It currently works only with straight lines, and only with above-ground logic. Which goes really well in vanilla, but reaches dead-ends quickly in compact fields like this. I even make a mention of this limitation in the mod's description.
I knew sooner or later this would come back to haunt me. I'm surprised it took this long!. :D

Anyway, I had hoped to give this a quick patch for the enclosed well. I was able to detect and exclude it in the logic. But in your game it looks like that's worthless fix if I don't address the 2nd issue, too. Which is unfortunately more complex and I won't be able to fix in a short timeframe. I'll let you know when I managed it. :-)

1 year, 3 months ago

No problems, I appreciate you taking a look at it!

Are there any plans for P.U.M.P. to support using undergrounds? I assume a large number of the limitations found with compact fields would be resolved if it could route under obstructions. Though if it's taken this long for someone to report it, it might not be worth the effort to fix it.

In the meantime I'll try using P.U.M.P. with smaller blocks on that second field.

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