
by Xcone

P.U.M.P. (Prevent Unwanted Manual Pump-placement) adds a selection-tool with which you can select oil wells, and then plans the layout of pumpjacks and pipes for you.

2 months ago
0.18 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Blueprints

b Bug Involving Landfill

3 years ago

hey i got a message when trying to use p.u.m.p. on an oil spot that would've covered landfill:
Error while running event pump::on_player_selected_area (ID 50)
The mod Landfill plus (1.0.15) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Landfill_plus::on_pre_ghost_deconstructed (ID 94)
Landfill_plus/control.lua:284: bad argument #2 of 2 to 'get_player' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_player'
Landfill_plus/control.lua:284: in function <Landfill_plus/control.lua:282>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'order_deconstruction'
pump/constructor.lua:76: in function 'construct_entities'
pump/control.lua:100: in function 'resume_process_selected_area_with_this_mod'
pump/control.lua:64: in function 'process_selected_area_with_this_mod'
pump/control.lua:8: in function <pump/control.lua:6>

3 years ago


Thanks for the report. Would you mind providing a save file where this goes wrong so I can reproduce the issue myself and figure out what's happening?

The stacktrace you've seems to suggest another mod (Landfill_Plus) interfering with a deconstruct command P.U.M.P. is performing. So at first glance I'd bother the author of the other mod first. But it hard to judge for real without seeing the exact scenario where this goes wrong. So a save file will allow me to either fix it, or provide info what the other mod does wrong.

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