
by Xcone

P.U.M.P. (Prevent Unwanted Manual Pump-placement) adds a selection-tool with which you can select oil wells, and then plans the layout of pumpjacks and pipes for you.

2 months ago
0.18 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Blueprints

b Removes floor tiles before placing pumps

4 years ago


I just realized when placing pumps, previously placed floor tiles (cobblestone? stone bricks? not sure about the English name) are marked for deletion.
Can you fix that?

I am playing on 1.1 Experimental, with Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration and a few other mods that are suggested for that. I can't imagine those affecting this behavior in any way, but I can't rule it out either. It seems though that the removal is done on purpose, not as a side effect, as on and in a 1 tile radius around the items placed by PUMP.

Happy new year

4 years ago


Happy new year to you as well! The issue is resolved and a new version of P.U.M.P. is available for download (1.0.1).

The issue was an unintentional side effect of the feature to remove trees and rocks when placing pipes and pumps. This feature was added in the previous release. And while looking into you issue, I learned that this feature got broken with the release of Factorio 1.1.6. This has also been adjusted. I've not tested it myself, but I suspect the latest P.U.M.P. version is no longer compatible with earlier 1.1 releases of Factorio.

4 years ago

Awesome, I'm going to test it on the next oil patch I find, which are super rare thanks to one of the mods, I'm not sure why that is yet.

Thanks for your incredible speed on updating things when there are even minor inconvenience issues.

New response