therax's Compact and UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders for 0.18.1. Works with train cargo wagons, circuits, filters, and Bob's faster belts. Will be removed when original is updated.
Version: 1.8.5 Date: 28.12.2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed miniloaders getting into an inconsistent damaged state. ( Minor Features: - Added settings to enable/disable chutes, miniloaders, and filter miniloaders separately. (
Version: 1.8.4 Date: 22.10.2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed bad ingredient for Krastorio's Superior filter miniloader. (
Version: 1.8.3 Date: 20.08.2019 Changes: - Add chutes: very slow (1/4 yellow belt speed) grativy-fed miniloaders that work without power, for use in the early game. - Express belt miniloaders set to 60 items/s, since 45/s is too inconsistent with 2 inserters.
Version: 1.8.2 Date: 24.07.2019 Bugfixes: - Adjust speeds of express belts, again. Compatibility: - Fix non-space miniloaders being buildable in Space Exploration's orbital surfaces.
Version: 1.8.1 Date: 23.07.2019 Changes: - Adjust speeds of express belts. Compatibility: - Add support for Krastorio's Superior transport belt tier. - Improve support for mods that alter the speed of existing belts.
Version: 1.8.0 Date: 17.06.2019 Changes: - Requires Factorio 0.17.50 for the improved inserter performance. - Caveats for belts faster than 60/s are removed. All miniloaders can now be filtered and circuit controlled, and all miniloaders should transfer to/from cargo wagons at full speed. There are still Factorio limitations with belts faster than 120/s whether used with or without miniloaders, and this mod cannot address those.
Version: 1.7.12 Date: 11.06.2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed crash when loading a map with miniloaders broken by interaction with other mods. ( Compatibility: - Added support for Space Exploration.
Version: 1.7.11 Date: 11.06.2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed stray debug print to console when placing blueprints. ( - Fixed that inserters added to old saves where belt speeds have increased are not circuit connected when they should be. (
Version: 1.7.10 Date: 10.06.2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed problem with insufficient throughput when loading an old save. ( - Fixed issue with lane inserter configuration becoming mismatched when building a blueprint over existing miniloaders. ( Compatibility: - Add alternative recipes for Xander Mod (Therax).
Version: 1.7.9 Date: 30.05.2019 Changes: - Switched from increased stack size bonus to having additional inserters instead, to fix problems with sushi belts. (
Version: 1.7.8 Date: 17.05.2019 Compatibility: - Add compatibility with Construction Drones. (
Version: 1.7.7 Date: 31.03.2019 Compatibility: - Fix PickerDollies compatibility. - Fix Bob's Logistics support for Factorio 0.17.23+. Minor Features: - Miniloaders can now be set to not require a connection to an electic network. Translation: - Add Traditional Chinese translation from k98a.
Version: 1.7.6 Date: 20.03.2019 Changes: - Increased miniloader inserter movement speed, so they should hopefully now reliably keep up with express belts. - Decreased time to mine Miniloaders to be comparable to mining a belt segment. Translation: - Add French translation from Krysh Nar.
Version: 1.7.5 Date: 19.03.2019 Changes: - Miniloaders now scale to faster speeds by increased stack size bonus, instead of movement speed.
Version: 1.7.4 Date: 14.03.2019 Minor Changes: - Increase miniloader speed to ensure they can keep up with the faster blue belts. Bugfixes: - Preserve cargo wagon filters in blueprints with no miniloaders. (
Version: 1.7.3 Date: 13.03.2019 Bugfixes: - Fix being unable to mine UB miniloaders. ( - Fix crash when configuring UB miniloaders. (
Version: 1.7.2 Date: 03.03.2019 Bugfixes: - Fix blacklist on filter miniloaders. (
Version: 1.7.1 Date: 26.02.2019 Bugfixes: - Fix crash on startup when using normal sprite resolution.
Version: 1.7.0 Date: 26.02.2019 Features: - Update to Factorio 0.17.
Version: 1.6.10 Date: 25.02.2019 Bugfixes: - Fix recipes for Bob's Logistics with inserter overhaul.
Version: 1.6.9 Date: 12.02.2019 Compatibility: - Add compatibility with Xander Mod.
Version: 1.6.8 Date: 02.01.2019 Compatibility: - Miniloader inserters are no longer adjustable with Bob's Adjustable Inserters. Bugfixes: - Fix snapping issues introduced in v1.6.6. - Copper cables attached to power switches are no longer removed from blueprints. (
Version: 1.6.7 Date: 28.11.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix crash from trying to preserve orientation.
Version: 1.6.6 Date: 28.11.2018 Minor Features: - Enable fast replacing Miniloaders. - Preserve input/output type when building over ghosts.
Version: 1.6.5 Date: 31.10.2018 Documentation: - Separate changelog. Bugfixes: - Fix crash when deconstructing in The Blueprint Lab. (
Version: 1.6.4 Date: 22.10.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when placing a miniloader next to certain curved rails with snapping enabled.
Version: 1.6.3 Date: 08.10.2018 Compatibility: - Add support for FactorioExtended-Plus-Transport.
Version: 1.6.2 Date: 07.10.2018 Graphics: - Expose circuit connector graphics. Bugfixes: - Fix unintended removal when deconstructing tiles under miniloaders. - Restore filter icons in info mode. - Fix a case where robots could lose a mined miniloader.
Version: 1.6.1 Date: 25.09.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix reversed colors in recent versions of boblogistics.
Version: 1.6.0 Date: 21.09.2018 Documentation: - Remove references to priority-split usecase now that Factorio core supports splitter priority. Graphics: - New vanilla-inspired graphics that don't overlap with adjacent buildings. Bugfixes: - Fix some cases where miniloaders rarely snap to the wrong entity.
Version: 1.5.23 Date: 26.07.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when getting a bad on_put_item event from buggy other mods. - Fix wire connections not appearing on ghosts autoplaced when an entity dies.
Version: 1.5.22 Date: 12.06.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix bug where placing a miniloader by hand over a configured blueprint ghost only configured one of the miniloader inserters.
Version: 1.5.21 Date: 24.05.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix Ultimate Belts miniloaders not yielding an item when mined. - Fix bug with Upgrade Planner integration that could sometimes cause upgraded miniloaders to not be returned to the player's inventory.
Version: 1.5.20 Date: 02.05.2018 Compatibility: - Add filter miniloader support for Ultimate Belts. Bugfixes: - Fix upgrade planner crash where loader belts have insufficient room for items. - Work around for bug in Creative Mode's instant deconstruction cheat. - Fix icon appearance when other mods add multi-layer icons to underground belts. - Fix case where mining the last entity connected to a miniloader via circuit left the miniloader inoperative.
Version: 1.5.19 Date: 04.04.2018 Compatibility: - Fix compatibility with Ultimate Belts 0.16.4.
Version: 1.5.18 Date: 01.04.2018 Balancing: - Increased miniloader inserter speed again slightly to better handle inline belt-to-belt use. Bugfixes: - Fix load error with Ultimate Belts. - Fix a possible error when joining a multiplayer server.
Version: 1.5.17 Date: 31.03.2018 Balancing: - Increased speed of miniloader belt-to-container throughput, enabling them to keep up with fast transport belts. Compatibility: - Significant overhaul to boblogistics support, now that Bob's top-tier belts are called Ultimate transport belts, introducing a conflict with the Ultimate Belts mod.
Version: 1.5.16 Date: 18.03.2018 Balancing: - Change ingredients when using boblogistics inserter overhaul.
Version: 1.5.15 Date: 12.03.2018 Minor Features: - Add support for boblogistics inserter overhaul. Bugfixes: - Fix another crash when mining miniloaders in Factorio 0.16.29.
Version: 1.5.14 Date: 12.03.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when mining miniloader in Factorio 0.16.29.
Version: 1.5.13 Date: 06.03.2018 Optimization: - Optimize graphics to reduce download size. Bugfixes: - Remove stray debug logging to console.
Version: 1.5.12 Date: 05.03.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix additional event sync corner cases on joining a multiplayer server. - Fix crash when mining a miniloader with an opened GUI. - Fix filter miniloader recipes to use previous tiers of filter miniloaders instead of unfiltered miniloaders.
Version: 1.5.11 Date: 20.02.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix event sync problem on joining a multiplayer server.
Version: 1.5.10 Date: 08.02.2018 Balancing: - Shrink miniloader collision box. Bugfixes: - Fix crash related to placing rail blueprints. - Fix crash related to rapidly drag-building blueprints.
Version: 1.5.9 Date: 06.02.2018 Bugfixes: - Remove stray debugging code.
Version: 1.5.8 Date: 06.02.2018 Compatibility: - Using Upgrade Planner on miniloaders now preserves complex items (configured blueprints, armor with inventory, etc.) Bugfixes: - Fix building over an existing miniloader with a blueprint where that miniloader is connected to the circuit network.
Version: 1.5.7 Date: 22.01.2018 Compatibility: - Potentional fix for reported Omnimatter mod incompatibility. Bugfixes: - Make sure stack size override is reset on non-circuit-controlled inserters.
Version: 1.5.6 Date: 19.01.2018 Balancing: - Change recipes to use lower tiers of miniloaders as ingredients. Features: - Add BETA support for Ultimate Belts mod. See caveats and warnings above.
Version: 1.5.5 Date: 18.01.2018 Compatibility: - Add compatibility with upgrade-planner. Bugfixes: - Ghosts can now be placed over miniloaders marked for deconstruction.
Version: 1.5.4 Date: 17.01.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when alt-selecting with blueprint. - Fix crash during blueprinting.
Version: 1.5.3 Date: 15.01.2018 Compatibility: - Reenable PickerExtended dolly. Thanks to Nexela for the fix suggestion. Bugfixes: - Fix setting a blueprint that includes no entities, only tiles.
Version: 1.5.2 Date: 14.01.2018 Compatibility: - Disable PickerExtended's dolly feature, since it can only move parts of miniloaders, breaking them. Bugfixes: - Fix blueprints having duplicate overlapping miniloaders. Any blueprints in your inventory should be fixed, but blueprints in chests may need to be cleared and re-created. - Fix building miniloaders with Nanorobots.
Version: 1.5.1 Date: 14.01.2018 Bugfixes: - Enable filter inserter recipes when migrating from pre-1.5.0.
Version: 1.5.0 Date: 12.01.2018 Changes: - Separate filter miniloaders into their own entities. Existing miniloaders will lose their filtering capabilities. Sorry for the inconvenience! Bugfixes: - Fix crash when connecting miniloaders directly to arithmetic or decider combinators.
Version: 1.4.3 Date: 09.01.2018 Bugfixes: - Apply migration to saves with v1.4.1.
Version: 1.4.2 Date: 09.01.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix broken migration of yellow miniloaders. - Fix broken localization of items in hand.
Version: 1.4.1 Date: 09.01.2018 Bugfixes: - Fix crash when placing underground belt with a miniloader on the opposite side. - Fix migration issue from 1.2.0-1.3.0 causing belt items to spill on the ground.
Version: 1.4.0 Date: 07.01.2018 Major Features: - Add support for controlling miniloaders through the circuit network. - Add optional filtering support for miniloaders. Changes: - Redesign using 0.16 customized loader entities instead of underground belt to provide belt connectivity.
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 18.12.2017 Balancing: - Rebalance ingredient costs. - Make yellow miniloader accessible before oil.
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 14.12.2017 Changes: - Update to Factorio 0.16.
Version: 1.1.5 Date: 14.12.2017 Changes: - Remove the problematic separate force for miniloader inserters, and set a stack size override instead.
Version: 1.1.4 Date: 11.12.2017 Changes: - Make snapping less aggressive. Miniloaders should only turn 180 degrees, not 90 degrees, to better match behavior from Loader Redux. Bugfixes: - Remove orphan inserters left behind by yellow miniloaders if removed while 1.1.0-1.1.2 was installed.
Version: 1.1.3 Date: 06.12.2017 Bugfixes: - Fix basic yellow miniloaders. Oops. - Fix a case where items could be spilled onto adjacent tiles when snapping a miniloader to a belt.
Version: 1.1.2 Date: 06.12.2017 Bugfixes: - Fix critical crash bug when rotating miniloaders.
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 05.12.2017 Bugfixes: - Fix some snapping issues (laying belts to the side of a miniloader, trying to snap to a player, sometimes snapping to the wrong direction when next to a large entities like assemblers).
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 03.12.2017 Major Features: - Add graphics and loader snapping.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 01.12.2017 Major Features: - Initial release.