ptx0's Scalable Air filtering deprecated

by ptx0

Adding machines to reduce pollution

4 years ago

b [awaiting response] The mk5 technology give access to the mk4 air filter (and no mk5 air filter)

4 years ago

All in the title

4 years ago

thanks, i noticed this but didn't really look too much into it because I was busy with building. I have also adjusted the pollution absorption values since it wasn't clear how they work originally.

4 years ago

unfortunately i'm not terribly happy with how this mod works because even making the pollution absorption values insanely high (like 1.0x10^8 per minute) the current chunk will only ever have so much in it and the machine is mostly inactive. placing them right adjacent to furnaces will help prevent runaway pollution, but I have started working with pollution cleaning modules for furnaces instead - the base game has them included as a ModuleType, but hardly anyone makes use of it.

4 years ago

because of this I recommend using the MK4 and not MK5 unless you have a lot of beaconed Schall's assembler due to the power use. though, efficiency modules will reduce power consumption, unlike with better-air-filtering mod.

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