Failed to load mods: promethium-quality/refining-recipes.lua:298: There is a circular dependency between recipes [dw-deer-uncrating-basic, dw-deer-crating-basic], triggered by [dw-deer-uncrating-basic], which has no way of resolving.
Most likely the mod isn't aware of a modded raw resource, and as such is unable to autogenerate refining recipes for the production chain.
Please report this crash along with all mods that add new content or change recipes, so that they can be properly supported
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
promethium-quality/refining-recipes.lua:298: in function 'mark_refinable_items'
promethium-quality/refining-recipes.lua:261: in function 'memoize_complexity_for'
promethium-quality/refining-recipes.lua:308: in function 'mark_refinable_items'
promethium-quality/refining-recipes.lua:261: in function 'memoize_complexity_for'
promethium-quality/refining-recipes.lua:308: in function 'mark_refinable_items'
promethium-quality/data-updates.lua:45: in main chunk
Mods to be disabled:
• promethium-quality (0.8.3)