Progressive tech multiplier

by Mernom

An alternative to the tech cost multiplier: instead of a flat increase to all technology costs, it progressivly applies a higher and higher multiplier the deeper in the tech tree the tech is.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Formula based on number of science packs required of a tech

1 year, 10 months ago

I had the idea of a progression formula where the progression doesn't increase the deeper the tech is, but how many different science packs it requires. For example if a tech only requires 1 tech pack then it has a vanilla cost but if it requires the maximum number of science packs (7 in vanilla, idk how many in SE) then it has the full multiplier. This would create a clear "tier" system, where each new science would not only require building a new science, but dramatically increase throughput of all older sciences.

Would that be possible or interesting to you?

1 year, 10 months ago

I think it's out of scope for this mod. A new mod would suit better for such a method.

It would probably be significantly simpler to make, especially if you select a multiplier per number of techs in the pre req, instead of selecting a max number and scaling down.

1 year, 10 months ago

I sadly have no idea how I'd go about making such a mod, but thank you anyway for the fast response.

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