Progressive tech multiplier

by Mernom

An alternative to the tech cost multiplier: instead of a flat increase to all technology costs, it progressivly applies a higher and higher multiplier the deeper in the tech tree the tech is.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Multiplier-distribution changes actual multiplier massively

2 years ago

The distribution does a naive linear distribution, ie the documented 50%/50%, however these values are multiplied together, and should be using a geometric setup instead in order to actually match the max multiplier requested. For example with the default settings of max=100 and 50%/50%, this results in 50x the resource packs and 50x the count, for a total multiplier of 2500 instead of 100. In order to match the requested multiplier the choices would need to be (total^0.5, total^0.5) vs (total^0.2, total^0.8) and so on. (With the rounding of the pack multiplier to 5s, the simplest thing would probably be to just compute that rounded value and then set the count multiplier to total/pack_mult)

2 years ago

I'll look into it.

just want to +1 talchas, here is a pic of my cargo rocket vs a 1x game

you can see that the top tech cost is a total of 1.86 million cards, and 27.9 million seconds of lab time. but 300x of the vanilla value for both of those is 150k packs and 2.25m seconds; my stated multiplier is ~91x but the actual is ~3720x

its really NBD, since we can fiddle with the startup settings as we choose, but for anyone starting a fresh run i recommend 10-0 or 0-10 distribution for now, depending on personal preference, just because the numbers will be more intuitive to the chosen multiplier.

Cheers, this mod is still solid gold for ppl who want marathon k2se

2 years ago

I think I'll set the setting to be a float between 0 and 1, and then simply divide the count mult my amount mult * setting. Or something like that.

2 years ago

Should be fixed now.

New response