Power Combinator

Have power consumption and power production as signals in your circuit network, with capabilities to measure the electric network statistics up to about 1.8 × 10^308 watts. Additional envelope signals for maximal projected electric production/consumption are also provided. We use the electric network id for accounting of all calculated values within each electric network

7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

g [done] What is the purpouse of Tier 2 Filter Combinator?

1 year, 29 days ago

I read the decription, but still have not understood, all values I can get from the tier 1 combinator.

11 months ago

Let's assume your base consists of only one electrical network and you have chemical plants and assembly machines.
With tier 1 you can get the summed up statistics of all consumers and producers, whereas with tier 2 you can choose to get statistics for e.g. chemical plants only.

11 months ago

thanks, I get it now.
I hadn't read "entity type" carefully enough.
You can add this example into description

  • adjustable filter as user combinator setting limits the electric statistics by selected entity type ( e.g. chemical plants, assembly machines)

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