Power Combinator

Have power consumption and power production as signals in your circuit network, with capabilities to measure the electric network statistics up to about 1.8 × 10^308 watts. Additional envelope signals for maximal projected electric production/consumption are also provided. We use the electric network id for accounting of all calculated values within each electric network

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
5 years ago
Latest Version:
5.4.0 (10 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.17 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
10.3K users

Ever wondered how to get those numbers from the electric network info pane into your circuit network?

Behold the Power Combinator!

This combinator type outputs power consumption and power production statistics of an electric network in watts as signals to the connected combinator networks. There are 2 tiers of Power Combinbators available. Following unique signals for the connected electric network are provided:

Tier 1

  • current consumption rate (W)
  • current production rate (W)
  • maximal possible consumption rate (W)
  • maximal possible production rate (W)
  • internal prescaling factor X as user combinator setting for each Power Combinator in the form value = input × 1 / 10 ^ X for all values sent to the combinator network
  • all five values sent to combinator network are custom signals

Tier 2

  • adjustable filter as user combinator setting limits the electric statistics by selected entity type
  • current consumption rate (W)
  • current production rate (W)
  • maximal possible consumption rate (W)
  • maximal possible production rate (W)
  • adjustable prescaling factor X as user combinator setting for each Power Combinator in the form value = input × 1 / 10 ^ X for all values sent to the combinator network
  • all six values sent to combinator network are custom signals

For advanced accumulators capacity monitoring see our related project Capacity Combinator.

Map settings

  • update rate: sets the refresh rate for the data submitted to circuit network (as ticks)


Supported languages

  • English
  • German
  • Russian


We haven't discover any incompatibilities with other mods to date. Please report on the mod page discussion if any incompatibilities are discovered.
Works with multiplayer.


The mod ‹Power Combinator› was made by dodo.the.last and published under The Unlicense.


The Russian translation was made by max2344.


  • the reference pictures are for the version 4.2.1 of the Power Combinator on Factorio 1.1.5
  • the Power Combinator terminals are marked cyan for circuit network and yellow for copper wire connections
  • the symbols on the reference pictures are: provider max. (PM), consumer max. (CM), provider current (P), consumer current (C), scaling factor (X)
  • during underprovisioning of the electric network the demand is suddenly reported to be higher than expected. Although this seems to be same behavior as observed in the electric network statistics of factorio, the electric demand of the consumers seems to increase if underprovisioned and resets when P > C or P < PM are true for C demand
  • the information on this mod page represents the state of the current release and might be updated without prior notification or public announcement
  • please refer to the «Documentation» section of this page for details