Power Combinator

Have power consumption and power production as signals in your circuit network, with capabilities to measure the electric network statistics up to about 1.8 × 10^308 watts. Additional envelope signals for maximal projected electric production/consumption are also provided. We use the electric network id for accounting of all calculated values within each electric network

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

b [moreinfo] Space Exploration Umbrella device not filterable

2 years ago

In the great SE mod there is a device called Umbrella. Idle consumption is 10MW, but under attack it takes huge ammount of power.
I intended to control power reserves by it's consumption, but tier 2 filtering power combinator shows no power consumption (even device count is 0), when I try to put Umbrella into filtering selection (last) slot . Replacing filter e.g. with inserter, power combinator gives sane values (device count, consumption) under the same wiring. Probably some strange incompatibility.
Could you, please, take a look about it?

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

Same issue with the Space elevator power output, but on the 'production' side, and the output is not even counted in the power production statistic on the Tier1 combinator..

1 year, 2 months ago

Have you tried to amp up the internal prescaling factor accordingly?

8 months ago

i don't think the prescaling factor has anything to do with it


as you can see in the screenshot, the umbrella building is constantly using 10MW, however with a prescaling factor set to 6, the filter is neither recognizing the building, nor recording any power consumption


when it gets activated, the power use goes up to GW, but still no consumption recorded

as well, no setting of the prescaling factor seems to change this behavior

8 months ago

after looking at the code, because the umbrella is a "electric-energy-interface" type object, the power combinator skips it entirely

8 months ago

here's a savegame seconds before CME, with a power combinator and an umbrella-filtered power combinator set up: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hetm0a4720qdld6/SpaceEx%20-%20K2%20-%2010%20SPM%20-%2020a.zip?dl=1 (timer to CME can be seen then hitting [i])

i did some testing by allowing the umbrella through the is_buggy test, and found:

  • while there is enough power production, the consumption is measured correctly, both in base mode and when the consumption is increased from the CME
  • when the umbrella's power draw rises, the maximum consumption is not adjusted (probably because it's per-entity, but the max is drawn from the prototype)
  • when power production fails, the power consumption stops being displayed (probably because it's measuring how much power the thing actually has eaten, and there is no power to eat)

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