Power Combinator

Have power consumption and power production as signals in your circuit network, with capabilities to measure the electric network statistics up to about 1.8 × 10^308 watts. Additional envelope signals for maximal projected electric production/consumption are also provided. We use the electric network id for accounting of all calculated values within each electric network

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

g [done] signal not present

4 years ago

So i tried to mod
last version as of now , with factorio 1.1.25
and after i placed it next to a power pole with power running through it there was no signal in it
any ideas why ? or how can i fix it?

4 years ago

As specified in readme and tips-and-tricks section, there is a prescale factor as user setting, since factorio signals only support values up to 2^31, which corresponds to ruffly 2×10^9 (=2 Giga Watt).

Have you tried changing it?

4 years ago

it works not not sure why but it works after i updated the mod

4 years ago

We changed the scaler to be 1000 by default in the last release. However we expect the user to adapt the scaler to his/her own needs, that's why it is there.



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