Power Combinator

Have power consumption and power production as signals in your circuit network, with capabilities to measure the electric network statistics up to about 1.8 × 10^308 watts. Additional envelope signals for maximal projected electric production/consumption are also provided. We use the electric network id for accounting of all calculated values within each electric network

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

b [done] Error on loading save

4 years ago

Hi, I have a weird problem: every time I load my save, I have to reset the 1/10^x factor on all my combinators. Do you have any idea as to why is this happening? FYI I also have RealisticPower installed, if that influences anything.
Thanks for your answer/help in advance! :)

4 years ago


do you have more information, like game version and list of mods and versions in use?



4 years ago

Sure! https://pastebin.com/kZscCPgh

Game version is 1.1.19

4 years ago

O i see, thanks for the fast feedback. What is the actual version of the power combinator you're using? Do you run from game editor or did you start a game in the regular way?



4 years ago

I started in a regular way :) And the power combinator version is 4.3.1

4 years ago

Ah i see, thank you. Do you have a save with that problem you describe or simply a save with your mod config? That would simplify that error finding part.



4 years ago

I will send it once I'm back to my computer, sure :)

4 years ago

here it is :)

4 years ago

ok thank you. I've loaded that save you provided, found your monitoring interface on the map with a power combinator. However it appears to work there, i see it updates properly. What is that error exactly and how do I reproduce it?



4 years ago

Oh sorry, I already circumvented it by arithmetic combinators. So, try setting the 1/10^x factor on the power combinator to something, like 3. Then save the game, exit Factorio completely, then load it again. Then that factor should reset to 0 again.

4 years ago

Ok i did exactly that. Loaded your map, removed that combinator at the monitoring interface, placed it again, connected combinator network, set the factor to 6, save, exit factorio, start, load the map. 6 is still set. Is there smth i'm missing?



4 years ago

Um, no.. :D Okay this is weird
I tried it and it still does that for me -> can you point me in a direction on how to debug? Maybe I can help you, I'm also a dev anyway :D

4 years ago


we've discussed this issue with our developers and found a possible bug in the migration script where the previously set divisor is not taken over correctly. This problem you describe should be fixed with 4.3.2 release of the Power Combinator. Please update and retest.



4 years ago

Y'all fixed it, it works! Big thanks for helping and fixing it :)

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