Planet Vicrox

Vicrox is a Fulgora & Nauvis replacement to be used as part of the Solar System++ and Journey projects. It uniquely blends mechanics from both planet production mechanisms together on tight Fulgoran style islands.

a month ago

g Any Planet Start suggestion

a month ago

Day/Night cycle on this planet is very wrong, steam power is effectively locked behind a decent chunk of green science since you cant melt the ice from the scrap without Chemical Plants. Is this intended?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Yeah, it's currently 12 minutes, longer than normal for Fulgora. I wanted that to be a challenge, to incentivise using nuclear, solar, or burning fuel. But you're right, it's likely too punishing for early game power. When we play tested we were mostly recycling by hand, burner miners, and only really labs were using lightning power with accumulators (which is early) till we got solar. I could also reduce solar tech cost on this planet if it is the start.. but yeah could be improved

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