Planet Vicrox

Vicrox is a Fulgora & Nauvis replacement to be used as part of the Solar System++ and Journey projects. It uniquely blends mechanics from both planet production mechanisms together on tight Fulgoran style islands.

a month ago

g Crash

a month ago

Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for space-location prototype "vicrox" (planet): medium-rock (decorative) does not have an autoplace specification.

I am getting this error when attempting to use Solar System++

a month ago

I've removed all the rocks from generating here; let me know if it runs now.

a month ago

Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for space-location prototype "vicrox" (planet): red-desert-decal (decorative) does not have an autoplace specification.

It has given me this error now

a month ago

What version of factorio are you using? Able to give some details on what might be going on here that is different than some other uses? Are you able to connect to the comfy server that is running the modpack? (let it sync mods?)

a month ago

Inexplicably it has started working

a month ago

Glad it worked out. Yeah, its pretty odd how this is coming up for some random people. I imagine there might be something with the modding api, Muluna has had someone report this issue as well. Just getting a consistent repo for factorio devs.

27 days ago

I have the same issue. It says:

Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for space-location prototype "vicrox" (planet): red-desert-decal (decorative) does not have an autoplace specification.
Mods to be disabled:
- Pollution as surface property
- Tiered Solar System
- Planetslib

27 days ago

Any information about Factorio version / OS can provide? I'll remove the red desert decal, but I imagine it'll just kick the root issue elsewhere

27 days ago

OS is MacOS. Factorio version is 2.0.32. All mods are at the most current version

27 days ago

Thanks. I'll try to reproduce the issue on Mac.

24 days ago

I also got this error on a win11 machine running the latest stable, .32

23 days ago
(updated 23 days ago)

Edit: Disabling Alien Biomes seems to have resolved things.

Same error. It loaded once successfully, then began erroring when I changed the system seed from all 3's to 123451234. It's sometimes changing which mods are in the list as problematic (i.e. Diurnal Dynamics pops in and out as I fiddle with things further) but planetslib and vicrox are consistent.

Running Windows 11 and Factorio 2.0.32 build 81349

4 days ago

getting this same crash without alien biomes

New response