Planet Froodara

Froodara is a primordial planet that you start on that offers no reward; technology, or unique resource.

a month ago

g Soft locked without oil as starter planet

a month ago

Without an oil source, it's impossible to progress on this planet. There's no guaranteed oil spawn in the starter area

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Same issue, no oil in starting area. Found outside starting area but both patches are less than 200%

a month ago

I'll look at making improvements here. Thanks for the feedback.

a month ago

I bumped up oil spawn rate, size, and richness significantly as of 0.1.3. There is no guardenteed oil spawn in starter area, you might need to clear out demolishers / bitters.

19 hours ago

Same issue, no oil in starting area. Found outside starting area but both patches are less than 200%

Not having oil in the starting area is quite fun during my Deathworld run on this planet. You just have to do barrel runs and pump some oil and then leg it when the demolishers show up.

New response