Planet Akularis

Akularis is a primitive mountain planet that you start on that offers no reward; technology or unique resource. Mine rocks to unveil ore viens; as none are accessible from the surface.

a month ago

g focus

a month ago

you should put all your effort into making one of these planets really good

a month ago

I've been learning a bit as I go through them and come back to update the old ones; specially as they're on rotation on the comfy server. The newer ones Nekohaven and Tchekor have a bit more functionality to them. Once the pack with all the planned planets are out I'll go through all of them that need more love and hear from players what ideas they'd like to see on it. Right now custom enemies and custom noise expressions have been pain points that I'll need to expand on.

a month ago

If you have any suggestions on how to improve any particular planet I'm open to hear.

I'd like to improve the map generation / tiles further, give them each a unique look and feel or use tiles from alien-biome-graphics. I think this one played pretty well over this past weekend. There are some performance improvements that can be made when doing the ore calculation.. to simplify the math. And we made some tweaks as we played. Let me know what you'd like to see.

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