how i catch this:
1)i select combinator
2) i press r(rotate combinator) two times
3)i push build, near logistic chest down
Error while running event osha_container_signals::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaConstantCombinatorControlBehavior API call when LuaConstantCombinatorControlBehavior was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
__osha_container_signals/scripts/functions.lua:87: in function <osha_container_signals/scripts/functions.lua:3>
Here is workaround:
1)Put on groud with out rotate
2)Rotate combinator after place
Why rotate? Here is answer: Because only for me it work only if graphical in-out of combinator, is from the opposite side the chest, not near.