9 months ago

b Incompatibility with Pyanodons suite

9 months ago

The pY mods make all inserters filtered, which renders this mod irrelevant. However, when this mod is active alongside Pyanodons, it seems to just remove all inserter recipes from the game.

Either fixing this behavior or simply marking an incompatibility would be helpful.

9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

yeah, if py already does basically this same idea anyway then this mod isnt necessary. i suppose i can mark it as incompatible. basically this mod just looks at all existing recipes on the final-fixes stage and sees if any of them make inserters that already have filters, and if they do then disable those recipes. so any modded inserters that have filters before the final-fixes stage and are loaded before this mod will have their inserter recipes disabled.

9 months ago

Makes sense! Yeah, marking it as incompatible would be great, thank you.

9 months ago

which pyanodons mod specifically is the one that does this filter inserter stuff?

9 months ago

ok thanks

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