Only Nauvis

A normal Nauvis start, but every other planet is replaced with asteroid belts, so space platforms are still required. Go asteroid mining for Tungsten, Scrap, Lithium and Pentapods to progress through the usual Space Age tech tree.

5 days ago

g (Mostly) completed run: feedback

a month ago

I have completed a run (sans a 'final ship' to the edge, but i've got production chains for all planets set up)

I only ran into one repeatable "run breaking" bug I had to console around

Aquilo Asteroids provide lithium, but you have no way of obtaining ammonia or flourine, and Flouroketene is required for cryo science and pretty much half of the aquilo production chain. I just used a couple infinity pipes to get around it, but without doing so I wouldn't have been able to make cryo science at all.

I also ran into a bug where my artificial research soil wasn't advancing after the first 10 or so nutrients I crafted, I had to force-complete it with a console command and everything worked fine after that, and since no one else is having issues imma assume that's a me issue

As for feedback -- each planet has a "complication" which might be by design, but impedes 'smooth' progress.

1.) Not sure if it's because you reused demolisher remnants or by design, but all tungsten asteroids are immune to laser damage, which requires you to have either a large ammo production chain on your platform or a high level of physical weapons damage to make any meaningful progress, I was capped at about 2k tungsten a trip till I had physical damage 11 -- which again might be a design choice but requires careful monitoring not not scuddle a ship early on

2.) Fulgora uses a lot of scrap, it's why some of the larger patches have tens and hundreds of millions of scrap. Scrap does not stack well, even with some belt-weaving storage and a ton of cargo bays I could barely fit 30-40k scrap on a ship, and that was with a 10-20 minute run towards fulgora, I had to have 6 ships running in cycle to produce enough scrap to keep an actual recycling chain running. Again might be by design, but more 'tedious' than fun. May wish to replace the scrap cycle with a asteroid with a low chance to produce holmium (since it's the only thing you actually NEED scrap for on a pure nauvis run, and you only need a trickle, so low yield wouldn't hurt)

3.) Gleba is weird, I had to make a trip almost halfway to gleba before I got 20 pentapod eggs (which was dangerous since they were almost spoiled when I got them back) -- this may have to do with the fact that stomper remnants explode into like 5 items, and my blue grabbers were competing with asteroid chunks to grab them, I probably could have made them a priority filter but.. I also only ever had to make two trips to gleba before I converted the ship to a scrap ship. Once you have enough seeds and soil for two agri towers for each plant, and a chain set up to recycle pentapod eggs, you've essentially got all you need for a self-sustaining gleba ecosystem, and don't ever need to go back

Not really sure how to fix that, since you need all of those items to 'start' gleba, and fighting spoilage with the afforementioned issue of low yield also seems more 'tedious' than fun.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

Aquilo Asteroids provide lithium, but you have no way of obtaining ammonia or flourine, and Flouroketene is required for cryo science and pretty much half of the aquilo production chain. I just used a couple infinity pipes to get around it, but without doing so I wouldn't have been able to make cryo science at all.

You should have unlocked a recipe to craft ammonia and fluorine from biter and pentapod eggs. Did this not happen? It's unlocked by the Lithium and Cryogenic Plant research unlocks. Let me know and please provide a save file if not, since that would be a bug.

1.) Not sure if it's because you reused demolisher remnants or by design, but all tungsten asteroids are immune to laser damage, which requires you to have either a large ammo production chain on your platform or a high level of physical weapons damage to make any meaningful progress, I was capped at about 2k tungsten a trip till I had physical damage 11 -- which again might be a design choice but requires careful monitoring not not scuddle a ship early on

The immunity to laser damage, and their general hardiness is deliberate. Monitoring speed helps a lot to not take too much damage. However, it's definitely doable to mine plenty of tungsten and coal long before physical damage 11 (I have managed to mine enough with physical damage 6).

2.) Fulgora uses a lot of scrap, it's why some of the larger patches have tens and hundreds of millions of scrap. Scrap does not stack well, even with some belt-weaving storage and a ton of cargo bays I could barely fit 30-40k scrap on a ship, and that was with a 10-20 minute run towards fulgora, I had to have 6 ships running in cycle to produce enough scrap to keep an actual recycling chain running. Again might be by design, but more 'tedious' than fun. May wish to replace the scrap cycle with a asteroid with a low chance to produce holmium (since it's the only thing you actually NEED scrap for on a pure nauvis run, and you only need a trickle, so low yield wouldn't hurt)

This is a fair consideration, but I'm not against needing multiple ships, or bigger ships overall. (Or even recycling ships which dump all of the non-Holmium items you don't need into space?) I think the limitation is an invitation to be creative with recycling and ship design, or a production challenge to produce more ships to mine more scrap. IMO, those aren't bad obstacles to have to deal with, whereas a straight up holmium mining ship which is more streamlined is essentially tungsten mining again.

3.) Gleba is weird, I had to make a trip almost halfway to gleba before I got 20 pentapod eggs (which was dangerous since they were almost spoiled when I got them back) -- this may have to do with the fact that stomper remnants explode into like 5 items, and my blue grabbers were competing with asteroid chunks to grab them, I probably could have made them a priority filter but.. I also only ever had to make two trips to gleba before I converted the ship to a scrap ship. Once you have enough seeds and soil for two agri towers for each plant, and a chain set up to recycle pentapod eggs, you've essentially got all you need for a self-sustaining gleba ecosystem, and don't ever need to go back

This is probably a spawn rate issue (gleba asteroids being too uncommon), combined with a lack of inserter filtering, so you missed the ones which did turn up. However to your last point, I agree. I'm not sure how to resolve this belt being almost pointless once your "farmland" and pentapod egg supply is stable. One option I've thought about is to change it up so asteroids explode into pentapod eggs and bioflux directly - skipping farming altogether (which is kind of moot anyway if a handful of recipes are changed to go alongside this change) and meaning that agri science becomes a more hardcore space science on a time limit (and pentapod risks). When I have some time I'll think about some tweaks to this.


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