Only Nauvis

A normal Nauvis start, but every other planet is replaced with asteroid belts, so space platforms are still required. Go asteroid mining for Tungsten, Scrap, Lithium and Pentapods to progress through the usual Space Age tech tree.

4 days ago


Version: 0.2.5
Date: 2025.03.13
    - Made other-planet-compatibility actually work. Note: Passing via the remnants of planets long-gone might be a bit more hazardous than you expect...
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 2025.03.02
    - Changed heating tower to be unlocked by science packs instead of an impossible trigger.
    - Reduced number of nutrients required to unlock Artifical Soil technology.
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 2025.02.01
    - Fixed an issue with Artificial Soil tech not unlocking properly.
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 2025.01.24
    - Other planet mod compatibility: Only Nauvis is *intended* to be played as a single-planet playthrough, but if you want to add additional planets with other mods, I won't stop you. This fix allows modded in planets to actually be reachable, and generate terrain as normal instead of eternally cut-off.
    - Other plantable mod compatibility: Only Nauvis will now correct plantables to the correct pressure, so they can be planted as intended.
    - Fixed tooltips for Artificial Yumako and Jellynut soil
    - Fixed tooltips for Overgrowth Yumako and Jellynut soil
    - Fixed that neither Artificial or Overgrowth soil could be placed on landfill. Now they can.
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2025.01.11
    - Fixed Recycling appearing in the tech tree and being impossible to unlock. Fulgoran tech now properly follows unlocking Fulgora remnants discovery.
    - Recycling tech is now hidden.
    - Advanced Asteroid processing (to gather Calcite) no longer requires Agricultural science. This means the Foundry is actually useful without needing Agricultural science from Gleba's remnants first.
    - Biochamber technology now appears in the tech tree after Gleba Remnant Discovery as intended.
    - Fixed Gleba Remnants and Fulgora Remnants tech tree and starmap icons. Also added them to mod thumbnail.
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2025.01.06
  New Features:
    - Overhauled terrain generation - Nauvis actually spawns exactly like Nauvis usually does. No pentapods! Sorry to the 10 or so people who downloaded 0.1.
    - Added Asteroid belts to replace Gleba and Fulgora.
    - Gleba asteroid belt spawns stomper remnants which can be destroyed for fruit seeds and pentapod eggs to progress the agriculture science tree.
    - Fulgora asteroid belt spawns chunks of scrap which can be destroyed for harvestable scrap.
    - Reworked tech tree back to a vanilla-like shape
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2025.01.06
  New Features:
    - Initial release