Only Nauvis

A normal Nauvis start, but every other planet is replaced with asteroid belts, so space platforms are still required. Go asteroid mining for Tungsten, Scrap, Lithium and Pentapods to progress through the usual Space Age tech tree.

5 days ago

b [Not a bug] Space platform automatic travel not working correctly

2 months ago

Hello, when i set automatic travelling, the platform consider that we are in Gelba remnants directly after departure. I think the reason is probably that we have Gelba remnant object in space directly after the departure. My work around is to set the wait condition "Time passed" to 120 sec for Gelba remnant and i have a 120 second of travel with matérial.
Have a nice day

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback. This is the same behaviour for the shattered planet and other "space locations" with only a "fly until" condition. This sounds like it's working as expected. Let me know if there is any unexpected behaviours otherwise. I'll mark this as not a bug until then.

2 months ago

Thanks for the response.
Sorry, i'v never traveled to the shattered planet at this time. I understand that we have to wait for an base game API update to improve this functionality.
Thank you for your job with this mod.
Have a nice day

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