Angel's Smelting Patch

Make Angel's smelting recipes the best way by disabling direct ore smelting in furnaces. It forces you to go in the advanced metallurgy path. Need angel's smelting.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

b Dead Solder Plates

5 years ago

I play Sea Blocks and added this mod but enabling Solder plates only angel's semlting ends up in a dead lock as those plates are no longer produced and looking into the lua files of this mod there is never ever a recipie addition for angel's smelting for solder plates and yes, I have enough things which requireing them.

Definitly a bug, which should be fixed soon but for now I can't keep this mod in my environment, sorry.

5 years ago

Necroing this issue, if we add MoreSciencePacks mod, Steel science requires the solder plates that are disabled by the mod...
You could only disable this recipe if MSP is not present but that is ugly since other mods might require it...
So, I would suggest keeping it alive. You remove the use for it and no solder can be produced with it but if some mod requires it, it will be there. Doesnt hurt to keep it around even if nothing uses it!

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