Mineable Oil Products

Screw oil processing! Mine plastic, sulfur, solid fuel, and lubricant.

2 years ago

g mod help please

3 years ago

Hi, been looking for a way to make life easier and only recently started using mods. Sulfur is a real pain so wanted to try this method of mining it, however, despite reloading and checking i had any settings right (I think), i could not find any sulfur on my map. jumped in the tank and toured around for ages but nothing. Very likely I am doing something wrong, or not doing something i should be. Any ideas? Cheers.

3 years ago

Have you got any other mods installed? If so, maybe one of them broke something.

Otherwise, you can take a peek at the settings.
From the main menu, click Single Player > Load Game, then click on your save.
In the top right, there will be a button for 'map exchange string'. Click that, then click 'copy in the window that pops up.
Go back to the main menu, and click Single Player > New Game.
Select Freeplay or Sandbox, then click next.
In the bottom right, above the play button, click 'Import map exchange string', then press ctrl+v.
You should see a bunch of nonsesne text appear, click confirm.
This will adjust the map seed and settings to whatever you were using on your save.
If sulfur is disabled or has low size/frequency, that might be the cause of your issue.
Otherwise, you can click the 'preview' button down the bottom, and try to find some using that.

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