Offshore dump

Get rid of excess fluids by dumping them into the ocean. Get rid of items by dilluting them in water, creating waste water. Offshore dump can be placed into any ocean or on a space platform.

9 days ago
Fluids Manufacturing

b Error loading mod

10 days ago

Error loading mod: core/lualib/util.lua:356: No icon size defined for icon
icon = "base/graphics/icons/fluid/steam.png"
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
core/lualib/util.lua:356: in function 'combine_icons'
offshore-dump/data-final-fixes.lua:18: in function 'generate_void_recipe_icons'
offshore-dump/data-final-fixes.lua:31: in function 'get_or_create_void_recipe'
offshore-dump/data-final-fixes.lua:63: in function 'create_void_recipe'
offshore-dump/data-final-fixes.lua:68: in function 'process_fluids'
offshore-dump/data-final-fixes.lua:134: in main chunk

10 days ago

Thank you for the report. I was not able to reproduce it, for me it works fine. But I think I found the cause of the error and I fixed it. Please try to update to mod version 0.1.1 and let me know if there are still problems!

10 days ago

It does load well now. Thank you very much.

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