No Wall Repair

by Pawz

Disable repair for walls. This will prevent bots from sitting on walls 'repairing' them and taking damage / dying needlessly. Walls self-repair if they don't take damage for 5 seconds.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [0.0.5] Russian Translations Overwriting English Ones

a month ago

Hello! First of all, thank you so much for your awesome mod. It's really appreciated.

I noticed that in the latest update, you've added Russian translations to the mod, which is great. However, it seems these translations are currently overwriting the English ones.

This happens because of the way the ru.cfg file is placed in your mod structure. Right now, it is located inside the locale/en folder, which means the game reads it as if it's part of the English keys, thus overwriting the ones declared earlier in en.cfg (since "r" comes after "e" in the alphabet, and they are read in alphabetical order).

To fix this, you just need to move the ru.cfg file to a separate folder named ru (on the same level as the en folder, so it would be locale/ru). This will correctly enable localization based on the player's selected language.

For more details on configuring localization for your mod, you might find this page helpful:

Thanks again for your work, and I hope this helps!

a month ago

Hi again, if you consider updating the source code on GitHub to the current version, I can make a pull request to fix this issue, if you'd like.

New response