No Wall Repair

by Pawz

Disable repair for walls. This will prevent bots from sitting on walls 'repairing' them and taking damage / dying needlessly. Walls self-repair if they don't take damage for 5 seconds.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


Version: 0.0.4
Date:  28.03.2020
  Major Features:
    - Update to Factorio 1.1
    - Fix for walls not repairing if placed when damaged
    - Wall repair delay & repair speed are now adjustable via map settings
    - Gates are now considered walls as well
Version: 0.0.3
Date:  28.03.2020
  Major Features:
    - Update to Factorio 0.18
Version: 0.0.2
Date:  05.04.2019
    - UPS issue with large attacks fixed
    - removed some unnecessary debug logging!
    - limited update rate so it should never become a performance hit even when 1000's of walls are being damaged

    - Early game walls will take a bit longer to start repairing and repair slower
Version: 0.0.1
Date:  05.04.2019
  Major Features:
    - Initial release, disables repair for all walls. Walls get a small amount of self-healing.