No More Gambling

4 Quality Tier 1 modules now give you a full +100% Quality chance. But also +900% Crafting Cost.

2 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
2 months ago
Latest Version:
1.2.6 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
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No More Gambling

Removes gambling from the game and instead replaces it with proper engineering.

4 Quality Tier 1 modules now give you a full +100% Quality chance. But every quality module inserted into a assembling machine massively increases the cost of the recipe. Research and craft higher tier modules to reduce how many modules you need.


(added in 1.2)
The fabricator has a built-in 50% Quality for the same cost increase as a single module slot, but it can only produce intermediate products. You need to assemble the final product in a regular Assembly Machine. It makes Quality Production in the early game a bit more feasible but is overshadowed by Tier 3 Quality modules later.

The fabricator is unlocked by a early game technology (+Uncommon Quality) and doesn't require any advanced circuits or plastic to produce. This allows you to start producing early uncommon quality products before even researching modules.

Ore Washing

Since Mining doesn't cost any resources adding quality modules to mining drills has been disabled. To still allow creating higher quality ores recipes for Ore washing have been added to the Chemical plant, which with a little water and a little sulphuric acid you can try to remove impurities, turning low quality ores into higher quality ones. Using these recipes is rather pointless without quality modules, but could be used to create stone and coal from ore in a pinch.


The default settings are balanced to make Quality a bit more approachable in the early game than Vanilla, with one Quality Step with 4 Tier 1 modules costing about 9x times the normal resources of the previous step. Vanilla is about 20x with Tier 1 modules but has the advantage that you can use the unupgraded resources for other purposes, such as recycling.

Maybe you want a experience completely different from Vanilla, in that case you can set the Crafting Cost Increase to a very low value and bump up the Crafting Time increase instead.

The Mod is designed to work properly with other mods that change quality levels as well, such as Steeper Quality, for which for example you would want to increase the Crafting Cost increase.