More Bobs!: Core deprecated

by Xagros

Extends additional add-ons for all of the Bob's mod

5 years ago

b icons for Research Queue

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

mod triggers error output with research queue in "Text-view" mode, may be with deadlock's crating mod as a whole, but technology for crates 1-5 all trigger "cannot load tech" in RQ mod. As far as i understand, this is due to a GFX lookup failing.

6 years ago

also causes issue with warehousing mod within RQ by renaming tech to "Warehousing 2" it seems.

6 years ago

ugh. can confirm, removing all other mods does result in it working fine.
God i hate cross-mod testing. something else is causing this odd behaviour >.> flips table

6 years ago

lol... If it's a problem with my mod, let me know if I need to fix it. :)

6 years ago

the problem i'm facing is the errors pop up under conditions that i either can't reproduce consistently (sometimes the exact same mod list will yield no issues, and other times the graphics will be overridden, and not load properly in RQ); or there are several separate sets of conditions with unrelated mods in the save that combined without the others results in a crash, but add the others and it no longer crashes.

I've rebooted the game about 200 times with different mod lists and configs and i can't isolate the root cause. I had at one point almost seven pages of notes (mostly a mod list with a record of the config state + recorded/observed results....
The inconsistency & Unrepeatability of this when added to the lack of information when the crash occurs is making this difficult.

Example: I'll have 40 mods in and everything works fine and i add another mod and RQ shows some gfx errors. I remove all mods except for the one that RQ failed with and it loads fine. I then start adding back the original 40 mods i had to begin with and get to number 36 before it crashes again. taking note of the mod i added that resulted in a crash, i disable that one and add the remaining four. it works. i re-add the 41st mod to the group and it works. then i add the other mod i had removed and it breaks. i try loading with JUST the two mods that, previously had not been able to load consecutively with RQ, but this time---everything loads fine. At this point i'm not sure where to go.

6 years ago

the above scenario seems to suggest (to me) that the error may be caused by order-related-loading error. But i can't find PROOF of that. Perhaps, Something is causing technology to be edited AFTER ResearchQueue loads. This results in a graphics-lookup failing, causing the graphics icon to be blank with a gui-button instead of an image, which can be clicked on to order the technology to be queued, but once that technology is scrolled through on the left-hand panel of RQ's GUI, it spits out an error and crashed back to the main screen.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Removing more bobs' removes technology for crating 4,5 from deadlock's mod and removes more bob's "Warehousing2" technology that splits warehousing mod's single technology into two.

starting mods: Bio Industries, Bob's {Inserters, Assembly, Enemies, Functions/Lib, Logistics, Metals(bob's plates), Modules, Ores }, Deadlock's {loaders,crating,stacking}, more bob's!, Research Queue, ShinyBobGFX, ShinyBob_Icons, Warehousing Mod

Result: deadlock's crating 4,5 tech missing graphics in RQ, as well as tech: "Warehousing 2" added by more bob's (modification to WarehousingMod).

added: angel's refining. Result: Deadlock's crating 4-5 GFX and warehousing-2 gfx missing
added: angel's petro chemical processing and Angel's refining. Result: OK! Graphics for Deadlocks' and Warehousing 2's (3 techs in total) that were missing graphics now load perfectly fine once angel's petro chemicals and angel's refining are added.

disabled: ShinyBobGFX, and Shiny_Icons. Result: OK. Icons for Deadlocks' and Warehousing2 load fine within RQ.

disabled: Angel's Petro and Angel's Smelting. Result: GFX missing. no longer loads icons for Crating4,5 or Warehousing2 properly.

-new test with even fewer mods-
starting mods: Bob's{Functions/Lib, Logistics, Plates, Ores}, Deadlock's{Loaders,Crating,Stacking}, More Bobs!, Research Queue, Warehousing Mod

Result: graphics for crating 1-5 are missing within RQ now and warehousing mod's technology has reverted back to an unedited state (no modification by more bobs!).

enabled: Angel's{smelting, refining, and petro chem}. Result: crating 1-5 GFX restored.

-test against most mods in folder except angels and more Bobs-
I don't get what's going on here. I really don't. So I pretty much re-enabled all the mods in folder EXCEPT Angel's mods, and moreBobs, and a few others i'm not currently testing.
(this removes the tech added by moreBobs) but i'd be able to verify no other mods add incompatible techs). Result: All GFX load in both text view method and icon view method within RQ.


6 years ago

"Research Queue technology icons when Angels{smelting,refining,petrochem} are left disabled whilst moreBob's other dependencies are enabled:

6 years ago

so now i want to say that for, whatever reason, more bob's adds technologies that, for whatever reason don't have graphics loading properly within RQ if bob's group of mods are enabled but angels' mods aren't----but i don't see anything specifically in your code that would explain why this occurs. but i think my brain is fried

6 years ago

what mods were you using when you got it to print correctly?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

starting fresh (deleted mod settings file and disabled all mods). Factorio v16.37. Ran update check at 4/24/2018. 9PM EST. Updated Helicopters mod (disabled), and Noxy's multidirection trains (disabled)

Enabled: BioIndustries, Bob's{Lib, Logistics} Deadlocks's{loaders,crating,stacking}, More Bobs!, Research Queue, Warehousing Mod. Result:

Enabled: Angels' Refining and Angel's petrochemical. Same result (just have extra tech from angel's mods in there. Photo:

Enabled: Angel's Smelting.
Result: All icons printing correctly. Photo:

Disabled: Angel's Refining, Smelting, and PetroChem.
Enabled: BOb's Ores & bob's Plates.
(Current mods: Bio Industries, Bob's{Lib, Logistics, Ores, Plates}, Deadlock's trio, MoreBobs, RQ, Warehousing MOd)
Result: Icons missing for crating 4,5 and warehousing2.

6 years ago

Downloaded&Enabled all other dependencies (assuming optional dependency may be inaccurate).

Deleted mod-settings file

Starting Mods (all mods in more bob's list of optional dependencies missing only Angels Refining and Smelting): AAI Industry, Bio Industries, Bob's {Lib, Logistics, Plates, Ores}, Deadlock's{crating,stacking}(NO LOADERS), FlareStack, Flow COntrol, Induction Charging, KS Power, Lighted Electric Poles+, More Bobs!, Realistic Ores, Research Queue, RoboCharger, ShinyBobGFX, ShinyIcons, Warehousing Mod, Waterbomb (and Landfill), Weapon Sounds Redone

Result: Tech icons missing.

Enabled: Angels refining, smelting, and petrochemical processing. Result: Icons load.

Disabled angels and bob's ores&*plates, and enabled all remainign shinyGfx variation mods in folder. -- icons are missing for tech once more.

New test
starting mods: bio industries, bob's{Lib, Plates, Ores, Power, Revamp, Tech}(NO LOGISTICS), Deadlock's{crating,stacking}, LightedPoles+, MoreBobs!, RQ, Warehousing Mod.

Result: crating 4 and crating 5 research missing icons. Warehousing Mod's tech untouched unless Bio Industries and Bob's Logistics are both enabled.

Enabled: Bob's logistics.
Disabled: Bob's{power, revamp, tech}. Result: Icon for warehousing-2, logistics warehousing-2, and crating 4-5 missing icons.

Enabled: Angel's refining, smelting, petrochemical processing. Result: Icons restored.

6 years ago

I don't know why the icons don't load properly without Angel's three mods all enabled, but i'm calling it.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

ran another test and found if i disable angels, but also disable bob's logistics it loads GFX for crating 1-5, eventhough previously i HAD to enable angel's mods to get those to work.

So what does that mean? is the issue with angels? bob's logistics?

If bob's logistics is enabled, Angels mods must also be enabled
Else If bob's logistics is disabled, angels mods is optional. (tested with it both enabled and disabled, but it only seemed to matter if bob's logistics was enabled).

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

As I read your post, I found two causes of the problem.

  1. When the added technique is called after the RQ in data-final-fixes.lua.
  2. When using the icon of technology as icons only.

In case of my mod, it is issue 1, so I modified the script. The arboretums of angel biomass have encountered issue 2( Fix this in my mod:D ). Likewise, Mini Machines Mod has issue 1. It would be nice if he could confirm and correct this fact.

My answer was late because of the precise cause analysis. Thank you very much today.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

What exactly am I to confirm or correct? This thread is a little long, and I don't really want to read all those blocks of text. Something about Research Queue? I don't actually use that mod, so I wouldn't know about any issues with it.

EDIT: Oh, I think I see what you mean. Tested with my "absolutely necessary" pack and the icons all work fine in text and icon mode. Then with my full pack that I've been playing with, I see the "failed to load tech..." error in text mode, and broken icons in icon mode. Weird. Reading the above post, it seems that maybe Research Queue should add mini as an optional dependency.

EDIT2: Can confirm this works, but only from their end. Nothing I can do from my end. Not an important mod to worry about anyways.

(but we should probably discuss this in my discussion page, if there is an issue)

6 years ago

We can solve this problem by preloading the technology list from "data.lua" or "data-updates.lua" depending on the presence or absence of mod. It's going to be a nuisance because it's about modifying the planned code (because there is a reason to call it from "data-final-fixes.lua"). I have modified it to avoid the same problem in mods other than RQ mod. :D

6 years ago

Xagros, any idea why the icons seem to be dependent on Angel's three mods being enabled IF bob's logistics is enabled? that was sorta confusing to me.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

That's because of the dependency on my mode's angel mod.(Angel's refining, Angel's smelting) With this option, the load order is Angels - Mine(More bobs) - RQ. If there is no Angel's mod, it will be read in the order of RQ - Mine.

"name": "research-queue",
"version": "1.6.4",
"title": "Research queue",
"dependencies": ["base >= 0.16", "? bobmodules >= 0.1", "? bobenemies >= 0.1", "? angelsrefining >= 0.1", "? angelssmelting >= 0.1", "? bobelectronics >= 0.1"]

The load order is very different depending on the dependencies, as the above information.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The type icons are layered on several layers. This icon cannot be read in Research Queue mod. Therefore, a separate type icon is required.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

i think the layered icons was the problem i saw between Research Queue and NPBees/NPBeesRedux as well. But this one was a bit tougher, because i could get it to work SOMETIMES, but the reasons why it broke wasn't making sense to me. So thankyou both, xagros, and kryzeth for helping me make sense of this and not being too-upset at the length of this thread lol

6 years ago

confirmed working now. great work

New response