Extends additional add-ons for all of the Bob's mod
morebos/prototypes/bobsflowvontrol.lua:189 attempt to call global 'shinycoverpictures' (a nil value)
same error.
AHHA i figured it out ,this mod will load if have ShinybobGFX installed https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBobGFX , so probably should add it as a required mod.
0.16.1: Fixed bug. I'm sorry I'm late.
now i get error about bi-wooden-fence
Fixed! :)
Thanks!, oh for any that might still have problems, well I had to start a new game for it to not crash which might have just been me ,as i got a lot of mods , luckily i was going to start a new game anyway
Ok... Please let me know if you have any new issues. :D