Extended Vanilla: Fusion Reactors deprecated

A complete overhaul of the ordinary personal vanilla equipment. This mod(pack) adds five brand new tiers of fusion reactors to boost your power production. (In this case, I've also changed the ordinary vanilla textures with some fresh, high-tech custom ones.)

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g hum

4 years ago

can you give more information about each of your mods. (power generation ex :outpout 789MW)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Well you can download them if you want more specs xD
No seriously I'm slowly updating all the mod pages formats and format, so give me some time and I'll update this one too.
For now I can tell you that the power output of the fusion reactors are:
(Tier level) - (Grid occupied)
+ Mk1: 750kW - 4x4
+ Mk2: 750kW - 2x4
+ Mk3: 1000kW - 2x4
+ Mk4: 1000kW - 2x3
+ Mk5: 1250kW - 2x2
+ Mk6: 2500kW - 2x3
You can see them in the schreenshots.

4 years ago

Thanks don't worry I will try your mods , your mods looks promising.

4 years ago

Well have fun then 😉

New response