ModMash Splinter, Underground + Subways

Mod Mash Splinter for Undergrounds + Subways, Now you can go underground and expand your base in multiple dimensions

9 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Underground shaft not producing output rail.

3 years ago

I am still new to this mod so it may just be me not knowing something. I tried placing down a shaft and after some lag it appeared to have been placed. However the train states there's no output track when i try to enter and trying to place track at the deepest part of the shaft caused a crash. I tried to put down more shafts but no matter where i try it says that construction is obstructed.

3 years ago

Nevermind, Found the smaller human sized shaft in crafting. Thought only train shaft was needed. Currently blasting away at rock chunks with rockets trying desperately not to die from radiation sickness. This mod is amazing and should really be more popular. Perhaps you should consider reaching out to some youtubers that make mod showcases or even make a tutorial.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

you can't place item into deepest underground because into upper underground it's place not clean (is rock or is space (blackZone) or have buildings).

tip: make a separate save only with the bug mod and upload it to the file sharing service. and attach the link to the bug report.

3 years ago

sorry, for very late reply I don't actually have a lot of time for modding anymore but i look at it every now and the and try to implement request.
Best way to blast underground I found is mines as you can place heap and detonate all at once with the Boom splinter.
There have been one or two on twitch but not big.
Generally you cant place items that the connected surface would have something blocking it. Entities etc out of map tiles get should be replace by underground tiles. The lag happens first time the new surface is generated. Unavoidable.
I might look autoplacing tracks it's been asked for before and i though i may have already done it. will revisit. Cheers

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