ModMash Splinter, Underground + Subways

Mod Mash Splinter for Undergrounds + Subways, Now you can go underground and expand your base in multiple dimensions

1 year, 13 days ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Can it be added to ongoing game?

3 years ago

Can it? And how stable or CPU hungry it is? I would like to add the extra layers but if the mod is still somehow experimental, I sure don't want to lose my current game.

3 years ago

not that bad, just had some optimizations added.
make saves. i haven't had corrupt save

3 years ago

The game is fully stable. I have a medium base (about 600 science pack/min) with 137h of play time. No problem. With the last optimizations, the script update time is around 1 ms per update (for all mods, full modmash stack)
Playing with multilevel is really funny.

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