ModMash Splinter, Loot

Mod Mash Splinter for Loot, You managed to survive in your escape ship, however it appears the primary ship has faired less well leaving cargo pods and research sections of the ship strewn accross Nauvis.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
Latest version:
Factorio version:
Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads
1.1.06 1.1 Download 2 years ago 8.10K
1.1.05 1.1 Download 3 years ago 1.41K
1.1.04 1.1 Download 3 years ago 974
1.1.03 1.1 Download 3 years ago 1.45K
1.1.02 1.1 Download 3 years ago 5.13K
1.1.01 1.1 Download 3 years ago 59
1.0.02 1.0 Download 3 years ago 136
1.0.01 1.0 Download 3 years ago 47