ModMash Splinter, Loot

Mod Mash Splinter for Loot, You managed to survive in your escape ship, however it appears the primary ship has faired less well leaving cargo pods and research sections of the ship strewn accross Nauvis.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i more clear loot probability

1 year, 11 months ago

hi, the mod looks nice, but there is a bit of a problem since the option for changing the loot is not really clear on how it works.
for example: with a value of 0 i ended up finding around 200 of 1 to 3 different items, changing the value to 1 gave me around 2 to 5 stacks of 2 to 3 items, wich is quite a lot... and it being an integer make impossible to test value between 0-1
would it be possible to add more values to tweak the generation with? things like:
-pod chance per chunk
-lab chance per chunk
-a value from 0-1 where 0 is empty chest, 1 is the max you should be get, so one can actually adjust how much is the loot based on it's mod environment

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