Mining Patch Planner

by rimbas

Adds a planner that designs a mining drill layout for a resource patch.

22 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Blueprints

g Automatic Belt Management

8 months ago

Love the mod btw. Do you think its possible to add some sort of automatic merger of all of the lanes? I understand people have different use cases for this mod, but I think the majority probably just want to get as many full belts as possible out of a given patch, and then load it onto a train. Having the "which belts should I merge in order to ensure the maximum throughput of x full belts, while also accounting for lane saturation" problem be solved automatically would eliminate one of the last pain points of mining patch planning.

8 months ago

There's the lane overlay option that shows what fraction of the belt lanes are filled to help decide how to merge the lanes.

Doing automatic merging would be a pretty complex implementation that I'm not sure how to fully approach for now.

8 months ago

Yeah that's fair, still have to pick out the right balancer and then also make sure the very end lanes aren't outputting exclusively on one side to get full throughput, but it is admittedly a small problem. Thanks for the answer though!

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